What to do after a car accident

Car accidents are stressful. A fact that is only heightened if your children were in the car at the time. In all the confusion and shock that follows, it can be difficult to determine which course of action will be the most beneficial for everyone involved. A legal professional, experienced in the area of car accidents, can help get you the maximum entitlements to help rebuild your future, but what about your physical health, family and emotional wellbeing?

We consulted a range of different experts to get their opinion on what to do after a car accident. Read on to find out ways to keep you moving forward with life.

The Mechanic: Blue Toro Mobile Mechanics

If your car has been damaged in the accident, you do not necessarily need to go with the lowest price for the repairs, says Blue Toro. They advise to shop around for a few quotes to find a mechanic that can offer not just a fair and reasonable price, but high-quality workmanship as well. While price is a factor, it is not the only indicator of the quality of the repair shop. The other driver may ask you for your quotes, which could then be checked by a repairer of their choice for a second opinion.

One of the first things you may have to do after an accident resulting in a severely damaged vehicle is have it towed. Blue Toro advises not to give in to the first tow company on the scene, but instead ask your insurance provider or police officer to refer a reputable company.

Blue Toro Mobile Mechanics provide vehicle maintenance to clients who are unable to bring their car into an auto shop for repairs. Between all the other aspects of your busy life, you may not have the time to take your car to the mechanic. In particular, after a car accident you might find all the resulting actions hard to fit into your already busy schedule. A mobile mechanic can help reduce the amount of hassle and admin involved in getting your car serviced and repaired.

The Physiotherapist: Bend + Mend

A car accident is stressful in its own right, but if you’ve suffered an injury in the crash you have the additional stress of mending your body to cope with. The physiotherapists at Bend + Mend advise you to seek the help of a physiotherapist if you are suffering from pain or stiffness in your neck or back, which could be symptoms of whiplash. In particular, you should seek help if it’s interfering with your ability to work, sleep, perform other daily duties or if your symptoms last a long time.

Bend + Mend advises that the more proactive you are when it comes to your recovery, the faster you’ll be back on your feet again. ‘It’s important that you allow a health professional such as a physio to assess you and guide you in your recovery.’ They also say in respects to what to do after a car accident, it’s important to stay as positive and active as possible. But you should also focus on retaining a manageable pace as you integrate back into your regular life.

The Physiotherapist: BodyWorx Physio

Many injuries related to car accidents, may not begin to show symptoms until a few days after the accident, says BodyWorx Physio. While you may become aware of symptoms of injuries such as whiplash in yourself, it can be harder to recognise in children who may not report any pain or discomfort. BodyWorx Physio recommends that you trust your instinct when thinking about what to do after a car accident. You know your children, so if you believe something doesn’t look right don’t hesitate to question the treating professional. This may include asking for a second opinion if you believe their injury to be worse than it originally diagnosed.

‘Early treatment often results in better outcomes,’ say the physiotherapists. See your doctor right away if you start experiencing any pain or discomfort after an accident. And be sure to report any possible injuries to your insurance company immediately to give you the best possible chance of having your treatment covered.

BodyWorx Physio use a range of different treatments to create personalised plan to help get patients back to a better range of mobility as quickly as possible. Depending on the degree of injury sustained during a car accident, you may need different treatments to help get your health back on track – consulting a physiotherapist can help you understand what your options are.

The Safety System: : buckle me up™

‘One of the most important tools for keeping your kids safe in the car is a seat belt,’ say the safety experts at buckle me up™. Buckle me up™ is a safety system that alerts your smartphone if your children remove their seat belts. This can help to prevent unnecessary injuries during car accidents by ensuring that children are safely strapped in at all times.

Following the adage that prevention is better than cure, using an app like buckle me up™ may mean you won’t have to worry so much about what to do after a car accident. Beyond keeping your children safer and following the road rules of NSW, you are less likely to be distracted as a driver. You won’t have to take your eyes off the road to keep checking that they are buckled in or worry about them trying to climb into the front seat and distracting you while you are driving.

Buckle me up™ advises that immediately following an accident you should try to remain as calm as possible, so as not to further upset your children. They advise that ‘health always comes first.’ Call emergency medical services right away if anyone, including yourself, is severely injured. Once any emergency health concern has been addressed, buckle me up™ suggests making a note of the other driver’s information, including licence plate number, name and contact details of the driver. If possible you can also take pictures of the crash site and discuss what to do after the accident with the other driver or police.

The Counsellor: Bridges Counselling

Bridges Counselling is a group experienced counsellors and psychologists who can assist patients with a variety of issues and conditions, including any trauma suffered during a car accident. They work with children, adolescents, adult individuals, couples and family groups, depending on the needs of an individual situation.

Take the time to reassure your children immediately following the accident, say the counsellors. Regardless of their ages, it is likely that they are terrified, particularly if they have never been in a car accident before. The go on to suggest that it may help your children to discuss the experience with you later. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings to help them better understand what has happened.

Before getting to the point of asking what to do after a car accident, try to reduce the chances you’ll be involved in an accident in the first place. Bridge Counselling say that it’s important that you explain to your children the need for car safety. By instilling this information from an early age, you’ll increase the likelihood that your children will be happy to wear their seat belts. You may wish to impose a disciplinary consequence for any unsafe behaviour while in the car.

The Baby Goods Suppliers: My Baby Store

My Baby Store is an online shop offering everything that parents of young children need. This includes educational toys, furniture and bedding, play sets, and safety equipment. Ensure you have the right safety measures in place to minimise risk to your children in the event of a car accident.

When they are young, especially when they are babies, it is crucial that your children have appropriate car seats for their size, says My Baby Store, as this will help to keep them safe in an accident. Your children should also be securely buckled into their seats at all times. For older children, make sure that they recognise the importance of wearing their seat belts every time they are in the car.

The Car Dealership: Tony Lahood Motors

Tony Lahood Motors is a used car dealership servicing Greater Sydney. If your car has been totalled during an accident you may now be in the position of having to seek out a new car for you and your family. This family-operated business strives to find only the highest quality used cars to sell to its clients. Finding a reputable car dealership can help you navigate any heightened safety concerns and find the right car for you.

Knowing what to do when it comes to choosing your next car after an accident can be tricky. Choose a car in a bright colour, like yellow or green, says Tony Lahood Motors. This will make it easier to see during the night or in rainy conditions. They go on to explain that safety features, such as anti-lock brakes, lane departure warnings and airbags, can help keep you and your family safer while on the road. Always make sure that your tyres are properly inflated and well maintained to greatly reduce your risk of getting into an accident.

A car accident can have a terrible and devastating effect of your life. Knowing what to do after a car accident isn’t always a straight forward process. The advice outlined here is aimed at ensuring that you get through it with as little pain as possible. Consulting a legal expert with experience in handling car accident cases can help ensure you the best possible financial outcome to help assist with other aspects of life impacted by your accidents.

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